Sunday, September 7, 2014

Heading into EDU235: Learning with Technology

     My journey to SNHU wasn’t much of a decision, or journey at all. It was what made the most sense for me at the time. I had spent two years at another school as a psychology major, earned my associate’s degree, and then became disillusioned with my career path. I knew psych wasn't what I wanted to do. I wanted to teach, teach what exactly, well, that was the question. I am capable of teaching pretty much anything, but I have my found my preference is to teach English. I came to SNHU because my former college didn't offer English as a major of choice. If they had I probably would have stayed there and never set foot on a SNHU campus.
     I took my first semester of classes, met some interesting, and not so interesting, people, completed the course work, learned lots of new things, just exceeding my own expectations at basically everything. Somewhere along the way I added a minor in education to my English major. Then when it came time for me to choose my classes that process went much more smoothly than I imagined. The process was unlike anything I had experienced before so I was, naturally, anxious.
     In the end, I landed in the class: Learning with Technology because despite growing up and attending school in the late 1990s and the early 2000s technology has come such a long way. I remember when the over-head projector was a popular piece of technology. Now kids probably come armed to learn with an IPad among other technological tools that have developed in corners of the world-wide-web. Teachers are now granted access to powerful resources that I am, as of yet, mostly unaware of, but look forward to learning about.


  1. Was there a previous teacher that might have influenced you to become an English teacher? Alternatively, was it a decision you decided to make? I hope that you do love teaching English to your students in the future. Choosing the classes you want to at first can be overwhelming because you are trying to get classes that you need for the major and minor. I know when I first signed up for classes on my own just like you I was very anxious. I had no idea whether or not I would get what I would need, but then I just kind of took a step back and relaxed a little bit. I know that SNHU will always make sure that you get the classes you need before graduating so I think about that when it comes to signing up for classes each semester.

    1. Gabrielle,

      Thanks for the comment. In answer to your questions, there was no single teacher that influenced me. A great many of them had an impact on me and I knew that I could have that same impact on future generations. I made the decision to teach, of course. To teach English is simply a preference. I can teach pretty much anything equally as well.

      Once again, thanks for the comment. I'm sure you'll be hearing from me on one of your blog posts.
